Page 3 - 4092-MAILER
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r - , 4‘:/,‘¢,, . he 4‘ r; F - :7
~: v ¢:_7.e  I‘-'\  " ,_ "  . 4‘ J ‘_‘ , We I   I’ “
Exceptional 1875 t . '   .3 «-7 )_ ] ,, ‘ I V;  . l 9}’  v x "2 /I '_ W" = ’
Production A.P. Casey es; ',  ' ’ y _' '  '='  . 1:! x,,_. ~ ‘ea-V’,    ».  g  .3 (1.! I v_.,,/ti .__r____;Al. ,
Sub—Inspected Colt Cavalry 3 V’ is’ /,  t /  j ,- 5 , t{  ,   . , _ . g 4’f/' r t V 1.,-
Model Single Action ‘  fie-._,_‘ V ’ . I L , "~‘*-7:,  _ ‘_ ‘I .7149‘;-'-”‘%‘  V ' ,1 *5 -, ' !'«,'_:.‘-é  I
R 1 ’  ’ ‘ I he ‘ _ "  ‘ ~-  A ~ ‘ tn‘   x « . ii 
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‘ I V a *‘ \ I   - * ‘all at  A!’ ~ 1} ‘vi’ € ~' '  .« :.:;:;’i::
 . v 4..  ‘fir.   :- in. I it-.;. at my; ‘~ ‘' »E"€ . ~> .~«  I ' 2-’;
@ xi) 7 W" ,,y—,,»-— ' ‘,'“'=a‘al.‘i; Exceptional U.S. David  fl.‘ ‘I3 I  " I ‘  ‘ I It - ‘
I ’   ( I  I tt"~._ F. Clark Sub—Inspected  ‘IN’: _ ‘ ‘ti '
@ R  A A . * v  Colt Cavalry Mode1/  ?°CuIIt1ecI11ted>dA;_1StVv<{rth v _
 1,.”   .  \"\.~!‘.-_t§'t‘,‘ New Iersey Militia  "'¥*N‘ \e~ ll nspee e > an 15 01'1C [1 ,. I ‘
  .3 ‘U  /\ K   Single  Lot Five 7th Cavalry / 
_.‘  V.  .52-.1 '.~- : _ .w~ t|\ yy . -.1» . ;'...'|t.~“ .\i ~X'-
'_ . ’\  : it A‘\’ H ,7 \\_i[\ Revolver Wlth .4 :‘\.v_\\\\  Custer Battle Era /
' Wt   I" ©   ~:: A   Factory Letter I A ll 3  U~S~1CaVa1tYC01t 1‘.
A ‘ .  ‘ s‘ A ‘
 II "J De’ "  'tt'tt"t"' ‘ I ' ' ’ it‘: \  R€C\t':)(I:/‘let Attributed as
Outstanding Factory Exhibition Engraved, Blue and , ’_fl____,__fl_., _ . ‘Captured at Little Bighorn with
Casehardened Colt New Line .41 Spur Trigger Revolver with  ' ",‘“ "TIL  —-I ' I, Iohn Kopec Gold Seal Letter V
Pearl Grips and Case— From The George S. Lewis Ir. Collection  ‘:',)r*; ~  ---1*" j’ [3 Y\
*‘:E- . ' , G’ I
 1' ,, ~\i\,..< ,_, _, ,___ “J? V "W ‘ , I
 ~ r ‘ it ' ._ ’/ ;_/.,i:.e 2/; z  ‘  2’ 4  

\t" . I ‘ rt   —‘ I (\ ) TI Historic Serial """ i

I    1. I " t J" t 0 Number 1 Colt 

"' ’ /_eV_  A I V 3- ‘ Highly Attractive New York Engraved \' ‘ Burgess Model j -

.   'i;’’'° ’ ‘ Black Powder Colt Single Action Army Stunning Factory Class “A” ‘ Lever Action 

7: T: Revolver with Relief Steer Head Carved Engraved Colt Official Police _ , Saddle Ring  "

\ " '  Pearl Grip and Factory Letter Double Action Revolver with Carbine With 1

——r  -  __ Pearl Grips and Factory Letter FaCt01‘Y Lettel‘  »‘ ‘ I

I A \ ft‘ ___,v_ I “'_,‘r*‘,‘r/”"*°*r“‘;‘,j—:— ” ‘_ 71" \/N  1

, \ _~ ye-‘-’~/‘ ’ ‘ I E‘: r-. j‘ i it

, - I , J; M vv A
‘ , V_  ' . r ‘I, 1 6f‘  ‘ I
M -   if’ Phen0mena1NeW Orleans Magnificent Colt Bisley Flattop Target ‘ I i '_ ( Iv.g¢..:,‘«  : ‘
/I.  4 -«i ‘ ' S I shipped Cuno Helfricht Factory Modelsingle Action Army Revolver it '   "ii I’
 E r 2/’ Marked “FOR 44 s & w CTG.” ,  I
E’ Engraved and Pearl Stocked ‘ e e I _ V - , i —
 ’ x  Colt First Generation Single Action {I1  1   -33  r 
9 e’ \ ‘ Army Revolver with Factory Letter N. , .   y _ I ,1 I ‘  :‘ 
= V I I"?  H _‘t5t‘7: Extraordinary Western ‘ -7’ —" ‘ I I ~ g‘ _' e T :
_ ‘ I» ‘ —— "IQ "'A'T'““"—_d Shipped Colt Flat Top Q ‘ ' I W  .
Target Single Action Army I H,  /* 
., ;‘ gt. Revolver in .38 Colt with  /"“\4: «
 W T  ’ 1 Factory Letter I ‘t-'  . g t;
‘I ‘E » e  ‘I I Historic Factory  -"1 he ‘ L  _,
‘I ‘I.  W _ \ Engraved Colt First  er » ‘V ‘E’ . f’ K-5 I
"’" ‘L ' ' , 3 “. Generation Sin le Action v “~;:‘< . I5 V
I I   I K I‘ I Army Revolver with Steer Heid Carved Documented _ I _  e
I  , I, I Pearl Grip Documented as Owned by Factory E_ng,mVed Antlque  
l  \ Texas Ranger General WW Sterling Colt Shenff 5 Model 1877  I .,_
I "‘ ': 7,-’ — Lightning Double Action .’ _;
I‘   .'/ Revolver with Factory Letter 0 " '
I ~ t I‘ i. ‘I v r, '5  4‘ NL>.(£'*‘*§Z?£4'I‘fivt7'.7:;t     
*  A  ‘It '  ‘ 1 .. . A-‘THY  t.— ~ _        —
 * I W  /I  ... . .i.,;..i&;§s£4_lQgl  V_ -‘c'(‘:ltf,'..:t'I","'7i.i:"‘*};.,‘;      ‘
,/ ‘v e’ » -  . ck‘,/7 Exceptionally Scarce and Desirable S.B,  if    COLT Al{'§_0_MATlc Hsrm , Ai S ec_  
— _L ' - Severs, Muskogee Indian Territory Tooled "*1-"§‘? _; ‘H; m,.A..~""‘ ‘T ‘“"" ",,,‘:"__"““'€"<}IIs

‘ A I I I I Leather “Mexican Loop” Single Action  vv " I “';j;\,:,.;:p~_~';;;;

/3? Army Revolver Holster with Matching    H 0 ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' 

Severs Cartridge/ Money   ‘C “Woodsman Ant '1“ 

Belt - From The Gre  L ’ camber ;;:ti:“:;,,:>.:‘::.::i

Rare’ Well‘ Lampe Collection g  
Documented,   ’ O 
Phenomenal  ’ '“  fl _
Benchmark Factory — “ ” . I I
Engraved Colt Bisley Rare Factory A Engraved ‘ mu  _/ ‘. ,
Model Single Action Army - C01t.W00d5m?tn Terget . V. . "“’—"" "“‘“r I co'I_1' w .1’? ,_ ..
Revolver with Faet0rvRe1ief Sem1.—Automat1.c P1stolw1th V,  g. X  s_...... n......; I . ’ 1 A
Monogram Carved Pearl Grip and Ongmat Matehmg Faet°rY ~  -‘  z  ‘
Factory Letter as Featured in The Colt Engraving Carton and Faet°rY Letter
Book— From The George S. Lewis Ir. Collection

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