Page 4 - 4092-MAILER
P. 4

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Z / Exceptionally Documented’ Special Rare Deluxe Gold Gilt Factory Engraved / to t 7 \¥'-
,/ Order Winchester Deluxe Model 1873 . . , ( \
X / _ . . . _ _ Henry Lever Action Rifle 1 V. _
/ \ ' Lever Action Rifle with Factory Letter I 
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K -KL l l _ Attractive Documented Factory Engraved V X r/
l / / t  ‘ Outstanding Early Production Winchester New Haven Arms Co. Henry Lever \ \ l 
I , K’ '7 Moder 1866 Lever Aetton Carbtrre Wtth Action Rifle Photographed in the Book of lg 1 / , 
‘ , ~ ' \ r  Henry Patent Barrel Address Winchester Engraving by R.L, Wilson  / ‘*<:,
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‘AT t  Rare and Desirable, Raised Thumbpfillt Exceptionally Fine Documented Antique ‘ —\
/ /' D11StCOV€1‘. Hand Engraved Serial Factory Engraved and Inscribed Special 2 \
 // Number  W1I1Cl1€St€f F1I‘St MOCl€l  ()l‘del- \/Vinchegter Deluxe Model  ' \
. ‘ / / LQVQI‘ ACU011 Rifle Lever Action Rifle V \4
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 .1 '*’», \x Excellent and Rare Special Order Winchester lneredrblv Scarce Factory Engraved and it n 1
' ' Deluxe Model 1876 Lever Action Rifle with Gold lnlald Marlin Deluxe Model 275 \ K ~
, —  ._ Factory Letter Slide Action Rifle / to
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V r t First Year Production Docuinented Factory Engrewed and Gold /— ~—  , I K

r  V V  t/it Special Order Winchester Deluxe rrrtardrSPeCr1‘tOrdervvrnehester ‘  ”“ _\

  1. /  V Model 1894 Lever Action Rrtle Deluxe Model 1903 Seini—Automatic 
 t t \ V with Extremely Rare Casehardened Rttte Wtttr Ft‘CtorY Letter l /
7/ Receiver and Factory Letter Pictured in The Book ot Winchester
/ t t _, _ EL / Engraving” “The Winchester Book”
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 t t ‘ _  ‘ ~‘\t   ti’  l r""‘i"“?’§f""7%1%“"i‘;*‘~i5-9;:?72&- 2,‘; '12” Q
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/ )"\\ ,,/ / Magnificent Factory Engraved v t '
””/ t \\ ‘ Wtttettester Deluxe Model 1886 Magnificent Exhibition Quality Factory Engraved Savage 1
/ /“ , K Takedown Lever Action Rifle Rival Grade Model 1899 Lever Action Takedown Rifle \ r, ‘t
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